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Showing posts with label Fitness Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Training. Show all posts




Bodybuilding hat sich in den letzten Jahren sehr gewandelt. Leider nicht unbedingt zum positiven. Durch die Gier des Publikums nach immer mehr Muskelmasse war der Einzug von immer stärkerem Doping auch auf der Amateurebene nicht mehr aufzuhalten.

Was dazu führte das auch im Profi Bodybuilding mit immer höheren Dosierungen und immer neuen Mitteln gearbeitet wurde. Die massive Nutzung von Wachstumshormonen hat sein übriges getan. Während Arnold Schwarzenegger bei 1,86m Körpergröße noch ca. 105kg bei seinen Mr. Olympia Siegen wog brachten Athleten der neuen Generation bis zu 130kg bei gleicher Größe auf die Waage.

Die Diskrepanz zwischen nichtgedopten und gedopten Athleten wurde im Bodybuilding immer größer. Durch den immer stärkeren Einsatz der gesamten Palette an Dopingmitteln entwickelte sich die Trainingswissenschaft nicht weiter. Nur wer keine Angst davor hatte seinen Körper durch Megadosierungen zu vergiften konnte es zu etwas bringen.

Der Dopingtod mancher Athleten wie Andreas Münzer oder Mohammed Benazzia wurden als "Unglücksfall" abgetan. Ernsthafte Kontrolle wurde niemals durchgeführt, weil sie den Tod des Wettkampfbodybuilding bedeutet hätten.

Natürlich werden Kontrollen durchgeführt, jedoch nur während der Meisterschaften und nicht stichprobenartig außerhalb der Wettkämpfe. Wer sich erwischen lässt hat einfach nur zu spät abgesetzt.

In Wahrheit können keine ernsthaften Dopingkontrollen durchgeführt werden, weil sich niemand Profi Bodybuilder, mit maximal 110kg je nach Körpergröße in Wettkampfform anschauen würde. Bodybuildingprofis geben 5.000 Euro oder mehr pro Monat für Doping aus.

Die meisten Freizeitbodybuilder wollen nicht wirklich solch einen riesigen Körper aufbauen. Doch durch die mangelnden Erfolge bei ihrem "normalen" Training wurden auch immer mehr "normale" Sportler die sich einfach nur "einen guten Body" aufbauen wollten mit Dopingmitteln konfrontiert. Aber dieses wäre häufig nicht notwendig. Es lässt sich mit intelligentem Training innerhalb eines Jahres erheblich Muskelmasse aufbauen.

Richtiges Training, ist mit oder ohne Doping der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.

Erfahren Sie mehr zu:

Doping - weitere Informationen zum Thema Bodybuilding und Doping

Ernährung - wichtige Grundlagen zum Thema Ernährung

Training - nur mit dem richtigen Training werden Sie jemals wirklich Ihre Ziele erreichen



Garcinia Cambogia, Does HCA Inhibit the Production of Fat?

Garcinia Cambogia, Does HCA Inhibit the Production of Fat?

Garcinia, Cambogia, Does, HCA, Inhibit, Production, Fat

The first interesting fact that I discovered was that Tamarind and Garcinia are not the same fruit. The tamarind actually grows in a brown pod and the inside texture of the pod is gummy much like the inside of a prune. The taste has been described as sweet and tangy. The garcinia fruit looks like a small green pumpkin on the outside and much like a grapefruit on the inside and has a sour taste to it.

HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) found in the rind of the Garcinia fruit is said to be the fat binding agent that everyone is so eager to get their hands on. This is due to the reported success results it has had in so many case studies. HCA has had a lot of conflicting results due mostly to inadequate dose levels in the supplements. Science is still trying to find the dose of HCA that delivers the highest results while still being safe for human consumption. The most safe and effective dosage they've concluded to date is 1600mg per day. While Garcinia Cambogia has had no reported side effects in healthy subjects, an article published on recommends against its use by diabetics. This is simply because it has been known to lower blood sugar levels. It is also recommended to avoid taking Garcinia if you take medication for regulating cholesterol (lipator etc) or antidepressants because Garcinia also affects serotonin levels thus potentially interfering with the effectiveness of your antidepressant meds. Studies have noted that calcium can disrupt the absorption of the carbohydrates by the HCA, how ever naturally occurring potassium will encourage this function.

A 2006 study, split into two groups conducted on 135 over weight, but otherwise healthy individuals showing group #1 receiving the Garcinia and group #2 receiving a placebo. The study showed that both groups did lose weight, but group #1 lost about 1-2 lbs more on average and showed drops in their cholesterol levels as well.

An evidence based review by Authority Nutrition stated, that in a study conducted on rats the HCA inhibited a fat enzyme called "citrate lyase" thus stopping the body from making fat out of carbohydrates. This has also been a fact shown in human case studies as well, but at somewhat of a less consistent level. This is most likely due to the inadequate dosing as stated above, but one may also conclude that diet and level of activity would also play rolls in this effect as well.

Studies have reported that effective supplements should contain a minimum of 60% HCA or higher in order to achieve successful results. It is also recommended to avoid products that contain fillers and binders. Fillers and binders would be anything on the label that is not the plant and the capsule.

For all practical purposes however we know that everyone is going to have varying results because, everyone is different. My conclusion without a doubt is that every bit of information I uncovered did show that subjects lost weight period. With that being said I just want to encourage all readers to talk to a doctor, dietitian or a nutritionist if you have any questions.

3 Simple Home Fitness Training Exercises for Women

3 Simple Home Fitness Training Exercises for Women

Simple, Home, Fitness, Training, Exercises, Women

Many women choose to go the route of fitness training at home, simply because it is the most practical option, especially for women who are constantly juggling their work and family life .

 With everything that 's going on, just not the time to pack a gym bag and drive to the nearest room and gym 

. Fortunately, there are some simple but effective exercises to do at home that are tailored to the fitness needs of women. If the goal is to lose weight , sculpt a body bikini ready , or just to keep fit , there are quick and easy options active woman of today can do at home . Here are some examples of great exercises for women at home.

1) Pilates - This training has become one of the most popular exercise routines for women in recent years. 

 This is because this type of training not only helps in weight loss efforts , but also helps improve flexibility, tone muscles and increase strength and lower the upper body of a person. In addition to the exercises performed using giant machines in the gym , there are a number of exercises that can be done at home with a carpet, a medicine ball and a Pilates ring .  

Pilates For a quick fix , check out one of the many exercises pilates videos 10-30 minutes online or buy an instructional DVD for a complete workout routine.

2) dance exercises - Regular aerobic exercise can be boring , so fitness experts have decided to inject a little fun into the training routines of fitness generally repetitive and monotonous at home that people are accustomed. Combining fun and dance with exciting exercise movements that will surely get the blood pumping , the workout routines that dance Zumba , Hip Hop Abs Shawn T. 'S, and other video developed with the help of celebrities and professional dancers exercises, women can now exercise every 20 to 60 minutes.

3) Yoga - This ancient tradition of India has become one of the most popular home workouts today . Combines stretching and meditation helps develop a more healthy body and mind. There are many variations of yoga to choose from and each has its own advantages for health and fitness.

 In the past, people could not learn from a guru yoga , also known as a yogi. Today, many yoga practitioners are able to meditate and ask your way to fitness , even in the comfort of your own home. Beginners can also start their daily routine of yoga at home by purchasing an instructional video to use as a guide.

The convenience of being able to perform fat burning , muscle toning exercises and strength training in the comfort of your own home made training fitness home a popular choice, especially for women . 

 The possibility of hiring a personal trainer to guide them throughout the training process also make things much easier , especially for women who are too tired or trite to get up and exercise. There are many options available for women who want to stay in shape without having to leave home. All you need to do is find a fitness program that works for them .

The Fit Fem Studio can get fit in the privacy of your own home. With personal training studio in Long Island home , women can lose weight without going to the gym. Personal training at home is very effective and adequate .
